Sports bras are an essential part of womens gym wear. They are so much more than just a fashion accessory or item to coordinate your other gym clothes; they are an essential piece of your gym kit. Sports bras offer vital support and protection to...
You often hear of girl's with a bit of a shoe fetish, and actually, men with a trainer fetish is becoming increasingly popular too. I'm unsure whether I should be proud or ashamed of the fact that my most expensive item of footwear is my...
January is the perfect month for making resolutions and aiming for a better you. Often a better you means a healthier, fitter version of yourself. Frequently, in January, people decide to clean up their diet and get more active; gyms, weighing and fitness classes all...
Christmas to many means excessive partying, lazy days of TV marathons, neglected fitness regimes, and over eating and drinking. This indulging leads to weight gain, stress and reduced fitness levels. So how can we limit the harm of the festive season without missing out on...