Fitwear Gym Wear
For the ladies amongst you who like to sweat and who want to look and feel great when doing so, Fitwear is the gym collection for you. With a range consisting of bright colours, sexy cuts and well fitted, Fitwear gym gear ensures you will stand out from the rest for all of the right reasons.
Fitwear was launched in April 2012, built from a small town, in a small room, the company has gone from strength to strength, exceeding their wildest expectations. However, like any business, success only comes with hard work and determination. It wasn't until December 2013 that Fitwear moved into it's very first retail space. This was then quickly expanded in June 2014 when Fitwear took over a 240 square metre distribution hub.
To get to the next step was big. Fitwear wanted to compete with the big brands. To be a big player in the gym wear market is big news. It requires a lot of marketing, but why would you not reach for the stars when you produce such a great product? Fitwear got it's own office and full time staff. They then required some hot models and professional photographers to promote their products and their image. The result: an image of a friendly, sexy athletic wear company.
Premises opened in Auckland in 2015, as well as continuing in the UK and still, Fitwear continues to grow universally. They now play a huge part in the booming market of leisurewear, being regularly stocked next to suppliers such as Nike and Adidas. What can be next for the successors?
What Fitwear manages to do so very well, is to combine the efficiency of gym wear, with the style of going out wear. Your shift from office to gym, or lunch to park run, has never been as easy as it is now. Choose from pairs of fitted leggings in a whole range of eye catching colours, or perhaps opt for something a little more discreet if you prefer. Team your leggings with heels and a suitable top and you're ready for the off.
Then switch your footwear, lose your top and you are ready for your sports workout in your Fitwear leggings and sports top, what can be easier than that? Not only will this save you money on your shopping and time on your washing, it also means less time will be wasted on getting changed and transporting those extra items around with you on your daily commute. You could even switch your train ride home for a run as you'll have less to carry.
The Fitwear logo is stylish and classy. However, it is also fun. The brand, to me, has a friendly personality, which doesn't alienate your average gym user. The pieces look comfortable and flattering for any shape, offering support and durability.
So visit www.GymWear.co.uk and browse the selection of high quality Fitwear items. Sale prices will make your purchase even more pleasurable, and mean you can treat yourself to everything you desire.
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